To order, please call 800-311-0979 and ask for operator #215
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As Seen on tv amazing profits

Product Description:
The PERFECT PATCH growing secret is its powerful fertilizer mulch cocoon, that surrounds each seed, soaking up and retaining water. It's like each seed has its own eco system, for faster, healthier germination.

Your lawn will be the envy of the neighbors when you use Perfect Patch, the turbo charged grass seed that grows faster, thicker and fuller than any other grass seed on earth guaranteed! Lab tests prove it. Patch Perfect grows in extreme cold, heat and drought conditions. Perfect Patch is great for high traffic areas, shady areas. It even neutralizes pet urine spots for the best perfect patch job.

Remember, for each supply you order; we'll send a second supply absolutely free. That's enough to cover 100 square feet, at a 50% savings! (for larger coverage areas, see the Perfect Patch Professional Page)

Product includes: Patch Perfect.

Retail Price:

Shipping and Handling:

Plus $7.95 shipping and handling

Product Guarantee:

30 Day Money Back Guarantee (less S&H)

Delivery Time:
NOTE: Delivery times may be changed without notice

PATCH PERFECT ships in 4-6 weeks

To order, please call 800-311-0979 and ask for operator #215
Call 24 hours a day 7 days a week
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